Class of ’80 Fund Request


Class of ’80 Fund Request Application

This fund is established by members and supporters of the Caldwell High School Graduating Class of 1980 with the desire to fund extrabudgetary educational programs that support early learning for Preschool through Third grade students in Caldwell School District #132, Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho. Requests will be reviewed annually and selection will be made by a standing committee appointed by the Class of 1980 under the direction of the CFEO Executive Board. Decisions will be based on the program meeting the following criteria:
  • Request made by teacher(s) employed in an elementary school in CSD #132
  • Proposed program is based upon child development principles
  • Program will have positive effects upon participant child outcomes
  • Program has well-designed learning activities
  • Program has specific learning goals

Class of '80 Fund Request

Step 1 of 2

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Caldwell Foundation for Educational Opportunity

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Caldwell, ID 83606

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