Thank you for considering financial support for CFEO
Any individual or group may make tax deductible donations to the 501 (c) (3) Foundation general fund, or to any of its existing funds. If interested in starting a new fund, please contact the Executive Administrator at (208) 278-6166!
Adam Gabrielsen Memorial Fund Donation
Barbara L. Gigray Scholarship Donation
Beverly J. Martin Foundation Scholarship Fund Donation
Bill Cooper Memorial Scholarship Donation
Brad Carrow Memorial Scholarship Fund Donation
Broyles Scholarship Donation
Buckendorf Music Fund Donation
Caldwell High School Liberal Arts Academy Academic Scholarship Award Donation
Caldwell Veterans Council Scholarship Fund
Canyon Springs High School Scholarship Fund Donation
CFEO Academic Scholarship Donation
CFEO Education Career Scholarship Donation
Charlie Alvaro Memorial Scholarship Donation
Class of ’54 Scholarship Award Donation
Class of ’61 Scholarship Fund Donation
Class of ’65 Scholarship Fund Donation
Class of ’72 Scholarship Donation
Class of ’73 Scholarship Fund Donation
Class of ’77 Scholarship Donation
Class of ’78 Scholarship Donation
Class of ’80 Endowment Fund
Class of ’81 Scholarship Donation
Class of ’82 Scholarship Donation
Class of ’94 Fund Donation
Connie Green Memorial Scholarship Donation
Daniel Soran Memorial Scholarship fund Donation
Deide Family Fund Donation
Deke Marmon Community Service Scholarship Fund Donation
Dillon Family Scholarship Fund Donation
Dorothy Kidd Scholarship Donation
Dr. Julian Hoff Academic Health Or Music Career Scholarship Donation
Faculty Citizen Award Fund Donation
Garret Nancolas Community Service Scholarship Donation
General Fund Donation
Gini Rosandick Orchestra Scholarship Fund Donation
Gwen Reed Memorial Scholarship Donation
Hopper Family Scholarship Fund Donation
Howard Massey Auto and Welding Technology Scholarship Donation
Jaunice Wanders Memorial Scholarship Award Donation
Jim Blacker Memorial Scholarship Fund Donation
Joy Fingerlos Memorial Art Scholarship Fund Donation
Kathi Lamm Memorial Scholarship Fund Donation
Kimberly Tollman Carpenter Memorial Scholarship Fund Donation
Lenny Stroup Fund Donation
Marge Winslow Memorial Scholarship Donation
Mary Ann Crookham Access to Literacy Fund Donation
Morrow First Generation Scholarship Fund
Principal’s Leadership Award Fund Donation
Ring Family Scholarship Donation
Rodwell Family Memorial Golf Scholarship Donation
Ron Maxwell Memorial Scholarship Donation
Ron Nuxoll Scholarship Fund Donation
Ruth A Evans Elementary Teacher Scholarship Fund
Stan Woodward Memorial Scholarship Donation
Stephen Blakley Memorial Donation
The Class of ’51 Scholarship Fund Donation
The Cliff Burnett Athletic Scholarshp Fund Donation
Theodore W. Gruver Scholarship from the Class of 1954 Donation
Todd Rutledge Exceptional Courage Award Donation
Vernon and Donna DeMark Memorial Scholarship Donation
Warren “Moke” Strong Memorial Scholarship Donation
West Valley Medical Staff Scholarship Donation
William “Bill” Weivoda Memorial Scholarship Donation
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Mailing Address:
Caldwell Foundation for Educational Opportunity
PO BOX 122
Caldwell, ID 83606
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